Return to Brookmere- Daniel Estes, eldest son of author, Rose Estes. On celebrating his mother's works, and collaborating with others. Bonus content- stories from working with a blind student.
So... Um... why does the creator of the Forgotten Realms still work at a Library?? Let’s find out. And along the way, we talk about the D&D movie, success and prioritization ? What does it mean to be a decent human being? The benefits of creativity, and the importance of living our lives – and …
Part 2 of my interview with the Ed Greenwood! Creator of the Forgotten Realms D&D setting, Ed is a prolific author and creator. The Patron Saint of RPGs. If you're already a fan, you know Elminster, the "unreliable narrator", chosen of Mystra, goddess of magic. But who was Elminster before …
Ed Greenwood is the creator of the Forgotten Realms, a prolific author, game designer, and the Patron Saint of RPGs. A glimpse into the influences that shaped this master storyteller. "Life is a series of moral choices." As we explore the theme of "Who are you?," listen as Ed brings memor…
An informal sit-down with Patchcloak Adam. A man of many talents, voices, and stories! I know Adam for his voice acting and story telling at my local D&D table. Join me as I learn about why he knows how to talk into a microph...
Dice are a thing. They really are. And they are the thing at Dragonheart Dice. Listen as Cher takes me through the evolution of her dice shop. From it's humble beginnings to its continuous growth. Something about this shop pulls players in from all over - and there's always something new for even…
Tomekeeper and Lead DM for Six Sides of Gaming, Devin Wilson says exactly what I needed to hear... On taking steps and keeping going, and running games, well, for everyone! What goes into planning a game for the players at the table? Especially when the players are people such as Ed Greenwood, …