Dec. 22, 2023

Ed Greenwood, Patron Saint of RPGs - Part 2: Wizard at Large

Ed Greenwood, Patron Saint of RPGs - Part 2: Wizard at Large

Part 2 of my interview with the Ed Greenwood!

Creator of the Forgotten Realms D&D setting, Ed is a prolific author and creator.  The Patron Saint of RPGs. 

If you're already a fan, you know Elminster, the "unreliable narrator", chosen of Mystra, goddess of magic. But who was Elminster before D&D?

Listen as Ed shares a bit of the history behind Elminster's role in the Realms, and random bits of his own story. Hear Ed's thoughts on creativity, the importance of dictionaries, and priorities - what do you really want? And what projects are most important for Ed these days?

...And, by the way, what about the "Band of Four?" Anything more on that front...? Listen to find out...

The Role of Elminster
8:58 Early Realms - Mirt the Money Lender
Elminster - Prior to official D&D (An Irish soap star!)
13:50 Reference: Story about sacrifice (hair and pocketwatch)
14:40 The Problem with Absolute Prophecies in Fantasy Stories
Otto of the Silver Hand by Howard Pyle
What do you want to be in Life?
The Harlequin Romance Ed wrote...?
Writing the same book differently
Reference: Robin McKinley Beauty and the Beast 2x over
Use a proper dictionary!
Reference: Lord Dunsany
Music and words - abiding the rules; invoking the feelings
On creativity
Writing to a piece of art
Reference: Daggers in Her Garters
And that's why I've always worked in libraries...
Priority Now: What's Most Important - for Other People
Reference: John Cleese on creativity
Reference: Good Omens
On humour and diversity
Reference: The Three Stooges
Reference: A Clockwork Orange
Reference: Harold Lamb
Reference: Up the Down Staircase by (Bel) Kaufman
Reference: J.R.R. Tolkien
Reference: Realmslore Videos
Reference: Fate of the Norns
Reference: Gameholecon
Writing Slow Intrigue
The Lady in Don Mill's and her Masterpiece Painting
Life Lessons from Dad... You'll know later...
Band of Four? - Well that's unfortunate, but have faith!

A Role to Play is an


Make a wish. Dream it true.  Dandelion seed (wish)

Ed Greenwood Profile Photo

Ed Greenwood

Patron Saint of RPGs/ Creator of the Forgotten Realms/ Arch Wizard / Writer / Storyteller / Librarian / Generally Nice Guy

Creator of the Forgotten Realms® and a myriad of other worlds, universes, and shared settings. Avid tea-drinker and swashbuckler. He/him, accepting of all.