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Writer Episodes

March 15, 2024

Lost Treasure, with Daniel Estes: Rediscovering the Works of Rose Est…

Return to Brookmere- Daniel Estes, eldest son of author, Rose Estes. On celebrating his mother's works, and collaborating with others. Bonus content- stories from working with a blind student.

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Feb. 1, 2024

Ed Greenwood, Patron Saint of RPGs - Part 3: Librarian Writ Large

So... Um... why does the creator of the Forgotten Realms still work at a Library??  Let’s find out. And along the way, we talk about the D&D movie, success and prioritization ? What does it mean to be a decent human being? The benefits of creativity, and the importance of living our lives – and …

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Dec. 22, 2023

Ed Greenwood, Patron Saint of RPGs - Part 2: Wizard at Large

Part 2 of my interview with the Ed Greenwood! Creator of the Forgotten Realms D&D setting, Ed is a prolific author and creator.  The Patron Saint of RPGs.  If you're already a fan, you know Elminster, the "unreliable narrator", chosen of Mystra, goddess of magic. But who was Elminster before …

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Nov. 22, 2023

Ed Greenwood, Patron Saint of RPGs - Part 1: Who are you?

Ed Greenwood is the creator of the Forgotten Realms, a prolific author, game designer, and the Patron Saint of RPGs.  A glimpse into the influences that shaped this master storyteller. "Life is a series of moral choices." As we explore the theme of "Who are you?," listen as Ed brings memor…

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Oct. 31, 2023

Adam's Macrame Owl - of D&D, Storytelling, Voice Acting and the Desir…

An informal sit-down with Patchcloak Adam. A man of many talents, voices, and stories! I know Adam for his voice acting and story telling at my local D&D table. Join me as I learn about why he knows how to talk into a microph...

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July 28, 2023

Six Sides of Gaming's Devin Wilson - On Taking Steps, DMing for Celeb…

Tomekeeper and Lead DM for Six Sides of Gaming, Devin Wilson says exactly what I needed to hear... On taking steps and keeping going, and running games, well, for everyone!  What goes into planning a game for the players at the table? Especially when the players are people such as Ed Greenwood, …

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