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April 2, 2024

So glad I put Adam on the spot!

So glad I put Adam on the spot!

Patchcloak Adam really is fun guy. He does the most amazing voices, and brings presence and creativity to the character's he portrays. I know, cause he's part of a local D&D group I played with, and he's also part of the World of Imaria where he plays The Hivearch - a fan favourite.

As I mentioned in episode one, starting this podcast just kind of happened. And then once started, people around me, including strangers I just met, started to get excited about what I was doing. But what was I doing?? To be honest, I really didn't know. I was just trusting that the path would become clear and there would always be something to talk about.

Of course there is!! So when Adam relived his encounters with Ed Greenwood stories after our game one night - I was like - omg - that's magic! Adam, please please please - will you do that for my podcast!? Arm twisting may have been involved... But he did say yes! Which led to a wonderful interview that makes me smile just to think of it.

One thing I know - Adam was born to be part of the world of RPGs.

He has an innate grasp of roleplaying, and stories, and worldbuilding. It just oozes out of him - in character. While the film industry, direct out of film school may not have been the happy path for Adam, he's finding a truer home in the RPG space. Currently he's working for Six Sides of Gaming (a division of Lynnvander Studios). He's a writer, editor, and performer. This is just the beginning. Adam also has an incredible voice, and at the time of our interview, had barely scratched the surface with that talent.

While initially I wanted to talk to Adam to capture his "Ed Greenwood Impression" (for which did a stand up job!), but our talk turned into something even more special, that I couldn't have imagined. It's hard for me to pick a favourite part, but teaching Super(Mario) Smash Bros to his Dad is right up there. I was also amazed at what happened when I "opened the floor" to our friends at the table.

"Don't fall in the floor - it's open!"

Adam is full of good ideas, like a documentary for A&C Games. Oooph! Painful to me as well to, to hear what was picked instead. But hey, through that explanation, again, we get a sample of Adam using his voice. When he says "That just sounds like video games" I can practically see the teacher. It just makes me all the more interested to see where Adam's career in gaming and voice acting will go.

Between the great questions, Adam's engaging stories film school stories, and the comedic factor - well, I wouldn't skip to the end, but it's definitely worth a listen. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out Episode 3 - Adam's Macreme Owl ("put it on the fridge!").